Cream of Pearl's - Uppfödare av Golden Retriever och Cocker Spaniel


Bailey & Bosco

Cream of Pearl’s Queen Rose – Bailey

har parats med

Dainty’s U Are The One – Bosco

Beräknad födsel i början av oktober 2024

Parningsindex: ED 102 och HD 104

Cream of Pearl’s Queen Rose Bailey

Cream of Pearl’s Queen Rose – Bailey
HD B, ED ua (0)
Ögon UA
GR_PRA I och II DNA-testad fri (A)

Dainty's U Are The One - Bosco

Dainty’s U Are The One – Bosco
HD A, ED ua (0)
Ögon UA


Dainty’s U Are The One

Cream Of Pearl’s Queen Rose

Touch Of Magic Made To Be Special

Dainty’s Urban Myth

Vestafjell’s Quantum Of Solace

Cream Of Pearl’s Bling On Angelwing

Dutch Consolidation Catalyzing

Touch Of Magic Enjoy The Moment

Dainty’s Friendly Fire

Dainty’s Under Your Spell

Jako’s Tell Me A Story

Fenwood Elles Belles

Bråtaledet Castimer

Cream Of Pearl’s In Love With Angel

Giltedge Cat Got Your Tongue Et

Dutch Consolidation After All

Majik Truth Or Dare

Jabbering Joy Aya

Ritzilyn Brandon

Dainty’s Flame Of Fame

Golden’s Hill-Side Imagine A Chap

Gently’s Carpe Diem

Legolas Revolucion De Lar De Casano

Jako’s Hope For The Future

Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell

Ramchaine Green Glow By Fenwood

Gizmo Jesionowe Gory

Bråtaledet Alice

Ashbury Angel Heart

Pebishar’s Feel My Love